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Your Time, Your Self, Your Care, Your Joy

Writer: Nature's Whisper Healing ArtsNature's Whisper Healing Arts

You’ve heard it discussed, or perhaps read, about “time management”.

You might have taken a workshop or two on the subject. You’ve almost certainly thought about it often (maybe even daily). Perhaps you’re sneaking a peek at your digital clock or watch (they’re everywhere these days, right?) even as you peruse this article.

I will surmise that, when you are aware of time passing, you experience some form of stress reaction or anxiety because you realize that “time flies” and it’s hard to catch up to it. I’m also guessing that what happens next is that you sigh as you inventory your to-do list and then give up and attempt to refocus on the task at hand or move on to the most pressing activity.

I remember attending a seminar as an observer at which the facilitator talked about time being on a continuum. The instructor explained that time isn’t circular (which is how we see it on the old-fashioned “analog” clocks still displayed on some of our walls and wrists). Instead, time is continuous.

I attended another workshop at which the facilitator talked about how there is no such thing as “time management”. In fact, we manage activities, not time. We consult the clock and then move on to the next thing we must attend to.

We often refer to time with phrases such as “time is money” or “my time is valuable”. We tend to treat time as if it were tangible and often give it a value, saying, “I spent so much time on XYZ.” Hours of invested time in one sitting can sometimes seem like running, so much so, that we almost feel out of breath (figuratively if not literally).

Speaking of time as it relates to life: How do you spend your time (pun fully intended!)? And, of course, when I ask that question as it relates to what I do for a living, I’m really asking, “How do you live your life as it relates to your self-care?” Remember: Self-care means different things to everyone.

As I write this article, I am thinking of the quote from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth that reads as follows:

All eyes do not see with the same vision,

for to one an object appears of

one form and color

and to a different eye of another.

So also the infinite fire,

changing from color to color,

is never the same from day to day.

Your view of time and how much you allot of it to self-care is unique to you. I challenge you, then, while this New Year is still relatively “new”, to pay attention to how you invest your time (as opposed to spend it). How’s that for a positive spin on the words we use to describe our treatment of this valuable resource?

Consider practicing self-care in a way that brings comfort and joy to your life. Just as you invest time in daily work and giving to others, invest in it to help “you”. Investment of time in your “self” changes how you feel. And, you deserve it! Take time to take care of you!

At Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts, we are here to support you with your self-care choices – massage therapy, “soft yoga” meditation – you pick.

When you are ready to take some of the time of 2022 back for you, go to the “massage” page on our website ( to see the types of touch therapy we offer. Then choose the one that’s right for you. Or plan a consultation visit to talk about your individual self-care needs:




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