This is information you can really use about how Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts provides a type of massage unique to Nature’s Whisper and good for you for specific reasons you may not know about.
In this past year of shelter-in-place, have you noticed that your body has a long memory – that it holds in (in ways that hurt!) the tension you’ve been feeling?
You might also have experienced – although you had all that time indoors and shut off from activities you had been used to participating in – that you had less and less time to take care of “you” in any meaningful way.
And I’ll bet you spent far more time hunched over your digital devices in long-distance learning, job searches, and / or online meetings with co-workers.
Well, and how about those among us who have had some kind of injury and are recovering (or trying to recover) from it?
Here, now, are 3 important reasons to make an appointment and experience our brand of therapy:
1. To come to a sense of well-being through self-care: Why is that self-care I spoke of earlier so important? Because, with it, you can be your best you. Nature has been whispering to you that you matter, that you have a purpose unique to you, that taking care of yourself ultimately results in good for you – and those other people with whom you share life. Psychology Today tells us that “Personal wholeness is the feeling of well-being that occurs when your body, mind, and spirit are in harmony and balance.” At Nature’s Whisper, we help you restore your personal harmony and balance by bringing you back to the wholeness that is you being “you”.
2. To use touch therapy to promote performance: At Nature’s Whisper, we believe in using touch therapy, especially in targeted areas of the body, such as the neck and back, to help you recover after surgery and / or unkink muscles that are holding on to stress. Let us help you bring back to the present a fully functioning you.
3. To bring balance back into your life: Whatever your journey – easing effects of prolonged stress and anxiety, working out the kinks of muscle tension, enhancing exercise performance, relief from fibromyalgia pain, decreasing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, lowering blood pressure, recovery from lower-joint replacement surgery, increasing range of motion, reducing chemotherapy nausea, help sleeping soundly, alleviating osteoarthritis symptoms, promoting relaxation – we can partner with you in restoring your equilibrium.
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