When was the last time you received a gift? How did it feel? Were you humbled? Were you grateful? Did you gratefully and humbly accept it? We receive gifts every day of our

lives; don’t we? And, yet, we might not be counting them as gifts. They might be hiding under the guise of things we take for granted.
Let me explain: Life itself is a gift, and an abundant one at that! The gift of being able to do things freely and easily is equally abundant. These gifts offer you the opportunity to enjoy your life at each moment.
But, isn’t it easy to forget these wondrous gifts? Why is that, do you think? Is it because we have come to expect that we will have them for the rest of our lives?
I was thinking about this gift-receiving attitude of gratitude when, lo and behold, my colleague, Katherine, gave me a gift – a physical, tangible one. She is someone with whom I have studied the beautiful healing art of massage therapy.
It was almond oil infused with lavender essential oil, two of my favorites in the array of aromatherapy products we use at Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts.
Next time you come to see us, you, too, will be able to benefit from this favorite blend of mine, but only while it lasts! Don’t worry, though, in the month of November, we are offering each client a free aromatherapy option of your choice. That way, you can ask for my favorite almond / lavender blend or choose from our selection a soon-to-be favorite of your own.
We can help you with your choice of blends.
Visit the “About Us” tab on our website and select "Self-Care Add-Ons" to see our aromatherapy selection. Your free aromatherapy choice in this month of Thanksgiving is our gift to you and represents a savings of $15 at your next session with us at Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts. We look forward to seeing you.
