Did you know the word “holiday” comes from an Old English word that means “holy day”? I looked it up because I was thinking about how the holidays are coming upon us quickly. Maybe you are anticipating the holidays with a little bit of dread, so let me offer a fresh perspective.
The holidays are special precisely because they are “holy”, even “sacred”, you might say. With them, come moments we spend with family and friends. These moments include cherished traditions we hold dear to our hearts because they are crucial to who we are.
For myself, I find that the holidays offer a sense of the everlasting that can only come from my interactions with friends, family, acquaintances, coaches, peers, clients, business colleagues, and mentors. And, that’s why I see my moments of sharing with them as integral to my self-care. After all, we are born with a strong need for human connection, and being among these important “others” is essential to our overall wellness.
You probably have your own definition of self-care, and, perhaps, sometimes your connection with other people complicates your need to care for “self”. The holidays can bring stress and challenges with respect to relationships, so how about looking at them through a different lens, one of gratitude? During these holidays, remember to say “thank you” to those who may not know that you appreciate them.
You might also want to connect with yourself by meditating. Again, let me talk to a specific form of basking in the silence of the inner self: My colleague Lori recently gifted me with a floating session. Meditating while floating in water was a new and memorable experience for me. That time felt sacred, and I’m deeply grateful to my colleague for the opportunity. It made me wonder if that is how it feels to be in utero.
So, here come the holidays! Let’s greet them this year with lots of presence (more than “presents”). Be generous with the gift of your presence for those you care about (and remember that that includes you). Enjoy the gifts they will surely offer you in return.