‘Tis the season to…give thanks for the cool, crisp air, for growth-giving rain, for the brilliant colors of fall. Sometimes, I pick up one of the leaves and examine the varied shades, the speckles and veins that separate and, somehow, also blend the many hues.
It seems like yesterday that I was writing last year’s holiday blog article, and here we are again – giving thanks. And, of all the things I am grateful for, you, my clients, are high up on my list, so let me offer you a note of gratitude:
We go into business because we love what we do. We choose what we do because it gives our lives meaning and purpose. I chose massage therapy because I wholeheartedly believe in it. I am also keenly aware that, without my clients, I would not have the opportunity to do what I love. So, thank you for choosing Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts for your self-care needs. It's clients like you who make what I do worthwhile. Thank you for your trust in us.
Now, I am going to give you a little advice about that very self-care that helps you be your best “you”. If you’re like me, you like to schedule in advance the important events and activities that help round out your life – your workout, project meetings, social activities…
I strongly recommend that you treat your self-care just as you do an important meeting. Schedule it into your favorite calendaring device. Call it, “My Self-Care Appointment” or “My Massage Appointment”. Block that time in your month the way you “bookend” other times that no one else can intrude on.
Telling you this reminds me of a few weeks back when I ran into a colleague. He was in a hurry, and in his rush, he called out to me, “We’ll talk later, okay? I’m running late for my acupuncture appointment.” Later that week, he shared that he books an acupuncture session every week and is religious about it. In other words, he is as serious about his self-care as he is about the other aspects of his life.
I am telling you all of this as a way to introduce our new “Member Services” feature associated with our Log-In on Nature’s Whisper’s website. If you’ve been there recently, you’ve probably noticed this new Log-In feature on the site’s Massage page. We’ve decided to make our massage therapy a subscription service. And, because we consider having you as a client a distinct privilege, the subscription service is at no extra cost to you, aside from the cost of the massage you book.
As a cherished client, you will have access to our booking calendar so that you can pre-book your appointments on a scheduled, regular basis. And, as a gift to thank you for your loyalty, we are offering some special pricing for your regularly scheduled pre-booked massages.
In the meantime, I wish you a joyous holiday season during which you discover new reasons to be grateful.
Most of all, be sure to thank your self for all that you are.
Remember to take care of you.